Kabuki Chainsaw Factory was a small game jam project where my group and I (3 people in all) had to design a game based on a randomly generated title. In this game, you must complete the singular level and escape the factory, slicing enemies with your deadly chainsaw.
Download the game by clicking this link.
Skies of Fortune is a simple shoot 'em-up and the first solo project I ever completed. You must defeat waves of enemies, and upon clearing a wave, get a chance to upgrade your rider in one of three different ways in order to achieve a high score.
Blind Date is an experimental audio game designed to be played without graphics of any kind, instead using audio cues to navigate the world. You play as a bat who needs to navigate the hectic city in order to meet reach your date destination.
For more details and a chance to play the, click this link.
Squash is a simple Pong clone I made as I dabbled into the pico-8 fantasy console program and the Lua language. It is extremely basic and probably not worth playing, but if you wish you can download the .html file HERE to play in your browser.