A journey about development
Jimi Stine’s Zapper is the world’s first post-postmodern video game. It critiques the critique-ers and goes one meta level deeper than we’ve ever gone before. Critics have called it “Brave,” “Thought provoking,” and “Proof that perfection is, in fact, attainable.”
On its face, Zapper is an arcade clone of Tapper, with a designer’s name plastered across the title. After a few brief moments of play, that same designer chimes in via voice-over, taking delight in your assumed surprise, and launching into a monologue about the nuances of the game’s design and his own incredible brilliance. Shortly thereafter the game breaks. The glitches, hiccups, and crashes that follow reveal the narrator to be incredibly fragile, and the more he attempts to save face and fix the game, the worse things become. Soon other members of the design team step in to help, eroding the game and the relationships surrounding it, until everything explodes at the seams.
Although the game is called "Jimi Stine's Zapper", the team of three all worked equally hard on the project, with the title poking fun of games with designers' names in their title.
ROLES: I worked on all the art assets and animations for this project, scripted the basis of enemy spawning and behavior, and edited the game's script.
Jimi Stine's Zapper has graced the world with its presence! Headphones highly recommended for optimal experience.
You can view the trailer and some pictures of the game below.
A screenshot of the second level set in a factory.
Presented at NYU Game Center End of Year Show.
A screenshot of the third level set on a mountain.
Darren Aronofsky, director of Black Swan, playing our game!